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  • Writer's pictureLt Cdr Bijay Nair (R)

My Daughter is the best , said my dad ....hmmm....No its mine said me.....

For dad she is everything and for daughter her dad is her universe :

Date : 23rd Jan 1987 and 24th Aug 2006

Dad was pretty frantic that day ; i do remember the day it was a wed ; i was brought to hospital from school since it was secondary and my 2nd brother was already in tow of mom sitting close by to her .

As i reached ; i cud see mom sobbing silently and dad was furious ; he was behaving like a man possessed . He had a hockey stick sort of thing in hand and was about to create a ruckus in the hospital . My mamaji was taking charge of the situation .

Seeing my strong dad behaving in such a indecent way ; i cud sense something was a miss. I mustered the courage to ask my mamaji ; he said your dad just lost his daughter and your little angel sister has been snatched from u all to be with the good lord .

I sobbed in pain. I was proud of my dad . A daughters dad going mad . He still cries . Date was 23rd Jan .

24th Aug when my daughter was born ; as we gathered around this little bundle of joy ; mom exclaimed " she is replica of ur sister " . My dad ; like a selfish dad said " my daughter had more hair and she was bit fair too" . I cud see the pride he took to hold his grand daughter in his hand and say " she is a rebirth of your sister; treat her like a fairy "

For a dad daughter is the most precious thing ; i live by this and for a daughter her dad is her universe.

Some Moments.....which no money can buy....

Some dates get etched.

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